Thursday, 14 September 2017

Armitage photos

Cheryl, a great granddaughter of Robert Melton Armitage (1874-1953), has seen this blog and kindly supplied me with photos of him, his wives and children. I have added them to the items on Robert and his son John James William Armitage (1906-41).

Saturday, 9 September 2017

My Armitage / Pinnuck Family History Blog Statistics

I started my Armitage / Pinnuck family history blog in 2012 and have now posted a total of 30 items (including this one). The blog is published using Google Blogger, which provides statistics on the number of people who have looked at it.

The total number of page views so far is 10,526, a respectable number. The largest number of page views came from Germany (2,443) followed by the UK (2,280), Russia (1,772), United States (1,422) and Australia (492). Why my blog has been viewed in Germany and Russia is not clear to me.

Items with the most page views are:
888 : George Henry Armitage (1898 - 1936), international footballer
747 : Robert Melton Armitage (1920-1993), train driver
362 : Stanley Thomas Armitage (1925-94), British Rail clerk
350 : Alfred George Armitage (1918-91), signalman and station master
346 : Robert Melton Armitage (1846 - 1910), milk carrier
252 : Gertrude Ellen Bull nee Armitage (1889 - 1978)
185 : William Armitage (1841-1926), soldier and gatekeeper
142 : David Pinnuck (1837-1922) and Edward George Pinnuck (1843-1927), immigrants to  Australia
86 : John James Armitage (1881-1953), decorated soldier
62 : William Frederick Armitage (1884-1940), warehouseman

Several people have seen my blog and contacted me with additional information and pictures, which I have added to the appropriate items.