William's birth was registered during Q2
1896 in Enfield. He was the second of five children born to William Frederick
Pinnuck and his wife Clara, whose maiden name was Livermore.
The 1901 census shows
William Pinnuck, aged 28, a builder’s labourer living in Enfield with his wife
Clara (28) and their children Charles (6), William (4), Sarah (3), Bert (1) and
George (2 months).
William Pinnuck senior died
in Q1 1909 aged 36 when his son William was only 12. It must have difficult for
Clara to bring up her children. She can’t have had much money.
Following the outbreak of World War I in August 1914,
William volunteered to join the army. He was a private in the 2nd
Battalion East Surrey Regiment and arrived in France 9 February 1915. He died
just over a month later on 12 March 1915 aged 18. The War Diary for William’s
Battalion is in the National Archives at Kew. The entry for 12 March 1915 reads
“It was arranged that 7th Brigade would attack
Spanbroek Molen at 8.40am, but owing to mist it was postponed until 4.10pm.
East trench was heavily shelled by our own artillery causing many casualties.
The attack was not successful. Casualties killed Lieut J.H.L. Haller, 2nd
Lieuts L.B.G. Crabb, J Kirtland, J.O.G. Becker, J.P. de Buriatte and 27 men.
Wounded Lieut R.H.H. Jackson and 41 men. Missing 7 men.”
A more detailed description is given in the “History of the
East Surrey Regiment”, a copy of which is in the Imperial War Museum.
On March 11th three
trenches held by the Battalion were evacuated by order, to facilitate shelling
the German trenches close in their front. These trenches were reoccupied after
dark without mishap. In the evening orders were received by the Commanding
Officer concerning an attack on Spanbroek Molen to be made on
the following day by the 7th Infantry Brigade, through the line held by the
Battalion. For the purpose of this attack all barbed wire was to be removed in
front of certain portions of the line, and flying bridges were to be made where
required. All these preparations were completed before dawn on the 12th.
March 12th was an
unfortunate day for the Battalion which suffered heavy, losses through the
course of events in an attack in which it was not intended to take an active
part. The early morning was very misty, and for that reason the preliminary
bombardment of the German trenches, timed for 7 a.m., did not commence till
2.30 p.m. The attack was consequently postponed from 8.40 a.m. to 4.10 p.m.
Units were duly informed of the postponement. Trench E.l left was evacuated at
dawn, as ordered, and E.l right (the southernmost of the trenches held by the
Battalion) became very crowded owing to some of the assaulting brigade having
worked up into it. This trench was heavily shelled by the enemy and was also
swept by the fire of two machine guns on its right front, so that the trench
became choked with dead and wounded, 2nd Lieuts. J. O. G. Becker and J. P. de
Buriatte being among those killed. Our own guns unfortunately also shelled the
trench, and 2nd Lieut. J. Kirtland then gave the order for unwounded men to
retire. The order was obeyed, but 2nd Lieut. Kirtland was killed by a rifle
bullet, and the men lost heavily. Sergt. Bull and four men at the extreme right
of the trench, who were engaged with the two German machine guns, did not
retire and succeeded in holding their ground. Captain Le Flemming reported to
Brigade Headquarters that the Battalion was being heavily shelled by our own
guns, but the telephone line was just then cut by a shell. Captain Hewitt, who
was in command of the Battalion supports, fearing that Trench E.l right might
be rushed by the enemy, ordered 2nd Lieut. L. G. B. Crabb with twenty-five men
to reoccupy it. The order was gallantly obeyed, and the party had nearly
reached the trench when a machine gun opened on them, killing or wounding all
but three. 2nd Lieut. Crabb was killed by a shot through the head. Reoccupation
of the trench by daylight being obviously impossible, Captain Hewitt waited
till dark, and then sent 2nd Lieut. Walliker with twenty-five men to the
trench. This party arrived without loss.
When the attack of the
7th Brigade developed the 2nd Battn. East Surrey covered the advance by rapid
fire and rifle grenades. While firing over the parapet in the performance of
this duty, Captain J. H. L. Haller (3rd Battn. attd.) was shot through the head
and killed. Captain Haller was a very good officer and a man of talent. He had
served with the 1st Battalion in the early part of the War. Three other
casualties to officers occurred this day: 2nd Lieut. Strong who had been
recently promoted from Band Sergeant in the Battalion and was temporarily attached
to the 3rd Battn. Middlesex Regt., was killed by a shell; 2nd Lieut. R. H. H.
Jackson was wounded; and 2nd Lieut. J A. H. Wood was slightly wounded and
returned to his trench after having had his wound dressed. The behaviour of all
the officers on this trying day was beyond praise. .
The total casualties
of the Battalion were as follows:
Officers: Killed, 5; wounded, 2.
N.C.O.'s and Men: Killed, 36; wounded, 39.
I have a map showing the Ypres Salient in WW1. Spanbroek
Molen is in Belgium, near the border with France, about 6 miles south of Ypres.
William is commemorated on the Menin Gate at Ypres. This
implies that his body was not available for burial (this was common in World
War 1 as bodies were blown to pieces, lost in the mud or could not be retrieved
due to the risk of enemy fire).
The same day, also at
Spanbroek Molen, Lieutenant Cyril Gordon Martin (56th Field Company Royal
Engineers) won a Victoria Cross for his bravery.
Clara, William's mother, was sent 16s 6d (his effects) by the Army after his death in 1915 and a war gratuity of £3 in 1919.
Clara, William's mother, was sent 16s 6d (his effects) by the Army after his death in 1915 and a war gratuity of £3 in 1919.
William’s brother Charles
also fought in World War 1 (he was in the Royal Garrison Artillery). Their
brother Bertie joined the Royal Navy in January 1918. Both Charles and Bertie
survived the war.
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